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For Educators


Educator Professional Development


Teach2Connect Overview

What is Teach2Connect?

Teach2Connect is an educator professional development program that brings together employer mentors and educators to strengthen student learning experiences through authentic and relevant workplace connections. The program helps educators better connect classroom learning to careers by providing time, resources, flexibility, and support for educators to:

  • Authentically integrate career connected learning (CCL) into interactions with students and course curricula while ensuring inclusive, equity-centered design and implementation

  • So that all students better understand the relevance of classroom learning to the world of work as they pursue a future that embraces their strengths, passions, and dreams.

Kids working on crafts.

Who can participate?

All K-12 certificated educators including teachers, school counselors, library media specialists, instructional coaches, TOSAs, and curriculum specialists.

Program Overview

The program kicks off with a virtual orientation session scheduled for June. In July, participants engage in a one-hour virtual meeting with their industry mentor and cohort. In early August participants immerse themselves in two days of activities with regional industry mentors. 

Throughout the 2024 semester, educators embark on a worksite tour, funded and arranged through WABS, and participate in six additional virtual sessions between August and January. These after-school sessions bring together educators and industry mentors to collaboratively design learning experiences for students based on authentic workplace challenges. Participants celebrate their achievements in January with industry mentors to wrap up the program.

Why do educators want to get involved?

  • Curricular Relevance: Infuse world of work experiences and industry relevance into curriculum. More engaging and practical learning experience for students with authentic and localized problem based learning. Ensure career connected learning lessons and on-site experiences are industry aligned, inclusive, and culturally responsive. Enhance student preparation for work, including durable skills development.

  • Industry Collaboration: Build lasting connections with industry professionals and fellow educators to share insights and best practices. Understand industry trends, technologies, and practices, enabling continuous updates to curriculum. Student internships, guest lectures, and mentorships that link to fulfilling careers in their communities.

  • Leadership: Inspire others within your district to explore innovative practices to strengthen student learning. Lead professional development on CCL and share lessons learned with colleagues and administrators.

Why do industry mentors want to get involved?

Industry mentors are motivated to participate in Teach2Connect to:

  • Enhance students' understanding of relevant workplace topics and world of work scenarios.
  • Collaborate on the development of learning materials tailored for students' needs.
  • Share experiences and pathways related to educational or professional opportunities within their field.
  • Cultivate meaningful relationships with K-12 educators across the region.

More Information and How to Apply:

The most recent application period closed April 30th, 2024. Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities!

If you have any questions, please contact us!

  • “For me it was an amazing, eye-opening experience. It gave me a new perspective on the application of STEM, 21st Century Skills, and problem-based learning to the classroom.”

    -Teacher Participant