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For Students

After School STEM Academy Volunteer Registration


Volunteers are encouraged to register with a co-volunteer. If you are registering as a pair, please fill out the form once with both volunteers’ contact information.

Example 1: You and your co-worker are interested in volunteering together at the same school.

Example 2: You and a friend who works for a different organization or company are interested in volunteering together at the same school.

Example 3: You and your spouse/partner are interested in volunteering together at the same school. 

Please fill out the form below to register as a volunteer for After School STEM Academy.

Thank you for your support of After School STEM Academy!


Then, complete the form below and select your choice(s) from the dropdown menu.

First Name *
Last Name *
First Name
Last Name
Have you volunteered with WABS before?

Please review the excel sheet below with the list of Schools registered for Spring ASSA.

Below List 2 schools you would like to volunteer with: